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At Habitat for Humanity, we believe everyone deserves a decent place to live. We build decent, simple, energy-efficient, affordable homes in Lee County.​

In order to be considered for a Habitat home, families must be in need of affordable housing, be willing to partner with Habitat, put in the necessary "sweat equity," and have the ability to repay an affordable mortgage.  In addition, they must meet the following requirements:

  • US citizen or legal resident

  • Resident of Lee County for over 12 months

  • Plan to occupy the Habitat home, if selected

  • Ability to save funds for closing costs

  • Prepared to become a homeowner

An affordable mortgage is one that does not exceed 30% of household income including property taxes, hazard insurance, principal, and utilities.

Habitat does not require a down payment but does require homeowners to save for closing costs.  Debt to income ratio can not exceed 13%.  Habitat also provides financial counseling to help pay off debt and improve credit rating. 

Income Guidelines

Habitat Sanford works with families earning approximately 40-80% of the Average Median Income for Lee County.  These are typically working families that may not qualify for a traditional mortgage.  The chart to the right provides 2023 general income guidelines.​

Required Documentation


The following documentation is required from all household members, regardless if they are applying for the mortgage.  A household member is any person that resides full-time or part-time at the property, has possessions at the property, uses the property address for mail, or pays a portion of the expenses for the property or occupants. Every member of the household must be counted regardless of income or marital status.


  • Copies of all household members' social security cards

  • Copies of all adult household members drivers license 


In addition to the above documents, the following will be required from individuals applying for the loan:


  • Last two years of income tax returns including W-2's.

  • Proof of income for past three months.

  • Verification of all other income including Social Security, pensions, etc.

  • Last three months of bank statements for checking and savings accounts.

  • Copy of vehicle insurance declarations page.

  • Copies of monthly bills including utilities, insurance, car payments, credit cards, etc.

  • Copy of current lease agreement and proof of the last 3 months of payments.

All judgments, liens, or collections must be satisfied prior to closing.  Additional documentation may be required.  Information provided is designed to provide a general overview of qualifications for Habitat homeowners and may be subject to change.  If you are interested in learning more, email


Phone:  (919) 774-6767
Mailing address 
PO Box 3821

Sanford, NC 27331

Habitat ReStore

413 Wicker Street
Sanford, NC 27330

Sunday - Monday    Closed

Tuesday - Friday     9:00 am-5:00* pm

Saturday                  9:00 am-3:00* pm

*Note we will not accept donations 60 minutes prior to the store closing to allow for us to clean up outside space

Administrative Offices

405 Wicker Street
Sanford, NC 27330

© 2021 Sanford Area Habitat for Humanity |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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